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Own the traits

Rajes Govender

I help people find their inner power to unleash potential for mastery. I use the fascinating own the traits technique to master balancing pride & shame of self and resentment & infatuation of others.

"The seer, the seeing and the seen is the same. If you can see it, it is in you. Own the trait." Dr John Demartini

Profound words of wisdom imparting knowledge on the universal law of reflection. I invite you to engage with me on traits you admire or dislike to experience the power of this universal law. 

These pics below were taken off the west coast of southern africa in the west coast nature reserve. South Africa is home to the largest floral kingdom of the 6 floral kingdoms in the world. If you can see this beauty, beauty to the same degree is in you. If you can see the magnificence of nature at work, it is in you. 

Langebaan Lagoon, West Coast Nature Reserve, South Africa

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